Investigaciones UCA. Memoria Bienal: Año. 1, Vol. 1, 2019-2020
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Published December 31, 2020
Investigaciones UCA. Memoria Bienal: Año. 1, Vol. 1, 2019-2020
Mario Adalberto Zetino Duarte
Letter from the editor/research director UCA
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Lidia Salamanca
The promoting scientific research at the UCA
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Andreu Oliva de la Esperanza
Cultivation of knowledge at the service of Salvadoran society
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José Mauricio Cepeda Rivera
Slides and machine learning
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Faculty of Engineering and Architecture
René Ernesto García Rivas
Improving financial, technological, operational and marketing areas through the implementation of an ODOO ERP system in a small company
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Lizeth Rodríguez Rodríguez
Comparative analysis of industrialized structural systems for vertical building through sustainability parameters
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César Melara Gálvez, Emilio J. Morales
Identifying patterns of competitiveness in Central American countries: a latent class analysis
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Erick A. Burgos Ganuza
Seismic behavior of concrete walls reinforced with high-strength steel
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Violeta Martínez
Photosensitizing activity of wastewater and its effects on the removal of emerging organic pollutants
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Luis Carlos Morán Alarcón
Enantiomeric separation of chiral fungicides by supercritical fluid chromatography
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Luis Aarón Martínez, Mario Chávez, Carlos Mario Flores Lazo, Julio Samayoa, Lizeth Rodríguez Rodríguez, Arturo Cisneros
Results of simulation processes in NZEB research process, first year of measurement and life cycle analysis
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Sofía Rivera
The rebelliousness of remaining: a study of the attachment to urban space in the case of housing cooperatives in the historic center of San Salvador
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Mauricio Pohl, Carlos Juárez
Capacity building and resilience building for climate adaptation
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Carlos Aníbal Juárez, Erick Varela, Mauricio Polh, Carlos Alvarado, Leopoldo Hernández, Julia Urrutia
Validation of environmental parameters in neonatal intensive care
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Edgar Alexander Renderos Pineda
Invisible city: analysis of precarious urban settlements in the Metropolitan Area of San Salvador
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Patricia Fuentes, José Antonio Granillo, Vitelio González, Ernesto Alonso Pacheco
Pre-feasibility study for the development of the La Toma de Quezaltepeque water park
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Fernando José Gómez Paredes
Alternatives and complements to the POLCA system in QRM cell configuration: simulation experiments
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José Adolfo Ramos Huezo, José Carlos Hasbun Hasbun, Patricia Méndez de Hasbun, Julio Alfredo Samayoa Ávalos, Sergio Alonso Sunley Pocasangre
Study of the structural performance of houses built with plastic recycling
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María Dolores Rovira, Guadalupe Arévalo, José Luis Sierra Ortez, Luis Carlos Morán
Establishment of baseline for the identification of cyanobacteria potentially toxic from the Cerrón Grande reservoir
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Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
Julián González Torres
The church versus the State: power and tensions in El Salvador, 1842-1871
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Ferran Caum
Description of the research of the short film on migration "First and foremost Humans" and its realization in "Fleeing for a Living"
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María Santacruz Giralt, Adilio Carrillo Carrillo, Álvaro Artiga González, Carlos Monterroza Marín, Doris Eunice Rosales, Loida Castro, Nidia María Umaña, Roberto López
Youth as political agents in El Salvador: A generational approach
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Lucía Isabel Romero, Amalio Blanco
The child abuse in El Salvador: the street as an escape and the gang as a refuge
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Leslie Gómez Calderón, Larissa Brioso, Javier Alberto Molina, Rafael Orellana Sibrián, Alexandra Gálvez Salazar, Sara Chávez
Post-prison social reintegration: determining factors
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Esmeralda Valdivieso Mora
Effect of education on rural-urban disparities in cognitive health in older adults
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Amparo Marroquín Parducci
The media consumption in El Salvador, 2019-2020 (before and during COVID-19): first approaches
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María Teresa Cruz, Knut Walter, Luis Calero, Mónica Salazar Vides, Byron Antonio Delgado, Carla Leticia Paz, Brent Edward
Quality of education in Central America: dynamics and tensions between education and development models, 2019
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Mauricio Antonio Trejo Alemán, Patricia Carolina Andreu Canales, Karina Esther Grégori Méndez, Lorena Ivon Rivas de Mendoza, Blanca Rosa Vásquez Ayala, Ada Janeth Zarceño García
Curriculum management of master's programs at the UCA: a look at the dynamics for the development of investigative skills
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Pauline Martin, Wim Savenije, Luz del Carmen Galdámez, Virginia García de Cerna, Rubén Merino, Moisés Rolando Flores
The social integration from education in contexts of insecurity: rethinking the role of the educational community
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Ruth Eleonora López Alfaro, Norma Carolina Orellana Dubón, Hugo Álvaro Rivas Tenorio, Ana Gabriela Santos Guardado, Álvaro Artiga González
The exercise of institutional political control over the Executive Branch in El Salvador, 1999-2019
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Héctor Jesús Samour, Luis Antonio Monterrosa, Sandra Marielos García, Evelin Patricia Martínez, Dulcinea Ruthdey Flores, Andrew Cummings
Critical review of the idea of progress. Bases for a theoretical, epistemological and methodological reform of the social sciences in El Salvador
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El Mozote Massacre: memory, truth and reparation
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Lidia Menjívar Soriano, Cristina Palacios Portillo, Iris Tejada Fuentes, Larissa Brioso
The experience of being a woman and the exercise of motherhood during the Covid-19 pandemic and its implications for the psychosocial well-being of women mothers who were previously deprived of liberty in prisons in El Salvador
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Esmeralda Azahar López, Karla Yesenia Escalante Escalante, Rebeca Abigail Recinos Reyes, María Teresa Cruz Bustamante, Arianna Taddei
Pedagogical mediation of the family to children with cochlear implants in a pandemic situation
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Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
Vinicio Coreas, Melissa Salgado
Mutual aid housing cooperatives in El Salvador: a path towards the reduction of inequalities
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Melissa Salgado, Vinicio Coreas
El Salvador: the challenges of productive transformation in Latin America. Country profiles and regional trends
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Luis Landaverde, Andrya Garay, Diego Quijano, Sonia González
Analysis of the progress made in the implementation of the law to facilitate financial inclusion in El Salvador
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Mario Salomón Montesino Castro
Intersectoral model of proportional supply-demand development: contextualization in the system of national accounts and reflections on the pandemic by COVID-19
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Juan José López Rogel, Saira Barrera
Diagnosis of the remuneration conditions of teachers in El Salvador within the framework of the teaching career ladder
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Evelyn Patricia Martínez Mejía
Reflections on the care crisis in El Salvador, focusing on children and adolescents
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Ricardo Flores, Carlos Eduardo Corado, Emilio J. Morales Fernández, José Adán Vaquerano Amaya, Rafael Enrique Bautista Rogel, Vitelio González, Yanina Rosales
Analysis of the competency profiles and employability of university graduates in Business Administration and Marketing
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Saira Barrera
Employment and Wages during the COVID-19 Pandemic in El Salvador
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José Alejandro Álvarez Ramírez
Land tenure and changes in rural employment in El Salvador: preamble to the food crisis generated by the COVID-19 pandemic
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Jaime Guevara, Diego Tovar, Ernesto Pacheco, Haydee Cartagena, Santiago Palacios
Situation of the salvadoran company in the face of the emergency COVID-19
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César Sánchez, Andrew Roberts Cummings, Celeste Molina, Marielos García
Characterization of rural areas in El Salvador based on national statistics.
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César Sánchez, Yessica Bautista
The price system in Mexico, the progress of its productivity and the causes of its degree of exploitation, 2000-2014
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Jorge Manuel Molina Aguilar, Meraris Carolina López Díaz
The mental health in El Salvador: the invisible costs of a forgotten problem: a social science approach
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Meraris Carolina López
Changes in the production structure and carbon emissions in the salvadoran economy for the period 2005-2014
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Vice-Rectory of Social Projection
Lucy Asunción Velásquez Guzmán, Carla Ixchel Quinteros Loza
Recommendations of the Universal Human Rights System to the salvadoran State, 2015-2020
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Natalia Ponce Rubio, Sara Jiménez Mancía
Recommendations of the Inter-American Human Rights System to the salvadoran State, 2014-2019
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Moisés Gómez
Human mobility management in times of COVID-19: brief analysis
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Laura Andrade
The justice system in El Salvador: assessing capacity building and judicial independence
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Laura Andrade
The fight against corruption in El Salvador: assessing the State's ability to reduce corruption and improve accountability
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Carmen Guevara, Laura Andrade
Gaps in the protection of human rights in El Salvador: evaluating state capacity to protect and promote human rights
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Carmen Guevara, Laura Andrade
The transparency in El Salvador: evaluating the effectiveness of access to public information
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Laura Andrade
Limitation of the armed forces in public security in El Salvador
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Laura Andrade, Carmen Guevara
The National Civil Police in El Salvador: assessing the professionalization of the civilian police force
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Laura Andrade, Carmen Guevara
Criminality and insecurity in El Salvador: assessing the state's capacity to reduce violence and combat organized crime
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Carmen Guevara, Jeannette Aguilar, Laura Andrade
Extraordinary measures: the narratives of dehumanization
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Laura Andrade
Opinion survey on gender-based violence during the COVID-19 pandemic emergency period
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Laura Andrade
The salvadoran population gives its opinion on the human right to water
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Carmen Guevara
Opinion poll on the measures taken by the authorities in quarantine containment centers during the COVID-19 national emergency
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Carmen Guevara, Laura Andrade
Authoritarian and democratic attitudes of the salvadoran population and their relationship with support for severe governmental measures in response to the pandemic and with trust and evaluation of public entities
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Jacqueline Natalia Cruz Molina, Diego Esteban Vargas Quesada, Gerardo Enrique Alejandro González, Jorge Alberto Rodríguez Ponce
Special report on the human rights situation in the context of the COVID-19 emergency in El Salvador
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Roberto Deras
Anamnetic justice: a pending issue in the Peace Accords of El Salvador: an ethical reading of the negotiation process and its implementation
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Wilmer Sánchez, José Rafael Núñez
SARS-CoV-2 and 2020 storms: its impact on El Salvador's socioeconomic and environmental vulnerabilities
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Faculty of Postgraduate
Elías Omar Preza Roque, Óscar Rafael Villatoro Torres
Application of the poverty indicators proposed by Foster, Greer and Thorbecke (FGT): estimation of projections under a scenario of reduced remittance flows and preparation of a poverty map (50 municipalities), El Salvador, 2012-2016
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Juan Carlos Villatoro, Luis Felipe Serrano
The scope of non-formal education in community youth development through the enterprise center program, case study: CAPUCOM (Santa Tecla)
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Lucía Cavalletti, Karla Josseline Ortíz Ponce, Rafael Orellana Sibrián
Subjective configurations that adolescents construct to cope with their reality when one or both parents migrate irregularly
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Carlota Yanira Montano de Cortés, William Alexander Hernández Medrano
Analysis of school dropout from a qualitative approach: what happens in the transition from ninth grade to high school in the public education system, as well as its related factors
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Roxana Margarita Galdámez, Claudia Lizeth Lemus
Social representations of Salvadoran teachers on bullying among third grade students in Salvadoran schools
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Guadalupe Yamileth Armas Pérez, Krissia Milagro Escobar Quintanilla
Study of the relationship between the migratory phenomenon and agricultural practice in the rural development of Arcatao, Chalatenango. "Listening to the Arcataense people. Approach from below"
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Marcos César Ortiz Medina
The Social representations on rurality of pastoral agents in the northeastern zone of Chalatenango and their contribution to the development of the territory
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Eva Maritza Campos Perlae
Impact evaluation of agricultural intervention projects: a model for the “Water and Soil for Agriculture (ASA)” initiative of Catholic Relief Services (CRS) in El Salvador, 2015-2019
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Laura Ercilia Mineros Blanco, Claudio Iván Méndez Maldonado
Proposal for linking local agricultural production as a territorial development strategy: case study: El Boquerón tourist route in Santa Tecla, La Libertad
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Luis Alonso Orellana Guevara, Roberto Alejandro Flores Romero
Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average Model (ARIMA) and Vector Autoregressive Regression (VAR) applied to the national production of corn and beans in El Salvador for the period 1955-2030
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Jazmín Chicas
Approaching student government participation in rural public schools: a case study of the municipality of Jicalapa, La Libertad, El Salvador (2008-May 2019)
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Verónica Lizeth Hernández Hernández
The participation in the insurgent movement in El Salvador
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Rodrigo Avilés
The Salvadoran voter. Presidential elections in El Salvador (1994-2014)
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Judith del Carmen Benavides Galeas
Electoral results and women's parliamentary representation in 2012, 2015 and 2018 in El Salvador
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José Francisco Melgar Brizuela
History of the scientific chairs at the University of El Salvador, 1841-1890: from the enlightenment to positivism
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Jorge Leonardo García Meléndez
The role of the hegemonic male mandate in the emotional management of fear in Salvadoran men and the construction of social reality
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Cristina Jeannette Palacios Portillo, Iris Anabell Tejada Fuentes, Lidia María Menjívar Soriano
Meanings of the experience of being a woman and the exercise of motherhood and its link with the subjective construction and psychosocial well-being: before and during the internment process of women deprived of their liberty at the Izalco Prison
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Natalia Garay
Myths of romantic love in the cinematographic offer of El Salvador between 2015 and 2017
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Amanda Isabel Quijano Herrera
Identification of key actions in the processes of organized women's demands for the construction of inclusive and safe public spaces: case study in district 5 of San Salvador
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Nathaly Guzmán
The validity of representations of masculinity in Mexican cinema from 1940 to 1980 in Televisa soap operas (1958-2018), from the gender perspective of Raewyn Connell and Simone de Beauvoir.
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Carlos E. Ferrufino
The field of land planning in Central America and the practices of planners with respect to private land ownership (2003-2017)
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Erick Alejandro Ortiz Ruiz
The environmental compensation as an instrument for territorial development
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Johana Gisela Mejía Guardado, Nilcer Griselda Melgar Monge
Theatrical performance and its link with psychosocial processes in the social reparation and dignification of the repopulated communities in the northeast of Chalatenango
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Carlos Josué Chacón Llanos, Héctor Jaime Peña Linares, Max Leonel Turcios Bermúdez
Study of energy efficiency and its impact on industrial maintenance management for Laboratorios Biogalenic, S. A. de C. V.
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Óscar Rafael Figueroa Cobar, José Alberto Flores Soto, Jaime Miguel Vargas Miranda
RCM implementation proposal for a water separation and reinjection system at a geothermal power plant in El Salvador at a geothermal power plant in El Salvador
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