Investigaciones UCA

Current Issue

Published September 1, 2023

Investigaciones UCA is a research report published periodically, which makes available to the Salvadoran society and the world the internal production of the Universidad Centroamericana José Simeón Cañas in the field of science and technology.
ISSN: 2789-4061 (Online)

Publishing label: Publicaciones Académicas UCA


Augusto Rigoberto López Ramírez
Investigaciones UCA and science communication
PDF (Spanish)

Faculty of Economics and Business Administration

Andrya Miriam Garay Rodríguez, Luis Eduardo Landaverde Meléndez, Sonia Jeannette González de Minero, Rutilio Osvaldo García Aguirre
Analysis of the trend of credit granting in microfinance institutions in El Salvador for the years 2017 to 2021
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Iliana Álvarez Escobar
Elements to study the economics of education in El Salvador
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José Adán Vaquerano Amaya, Marta Irene Flores Polanco, Marcos Antonio Morán Valencia, Yanina Rosales de Salazar
An approach to the organizational climate in companies in El Salvador in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic
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Iliana Álvarez Escobar, Diego Enrique Tovar Osegueda, Equipo Seminario de Alta Gerencia 2021
Socio-economic diagnosis of the living and working conditions of the former workers of the Florenzi factory in Soyapango, El Salvador
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Meraris C. López, Jorge M. Molina
Expansion of sugarcane monoculture and its relationship with chronic kidney diseases: a view from the economy and public health
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Evelyn Patricia Martínez Mejía
The solidarity and care economy as decolonial proposal to the Eurocentric vision of progress
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Meraris C. López, Orlando E. Contreras
The water footprint in the economy: an estimate for the Salvadoran case
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Mario Salomón Montesino Castro, Juan José López Rogel
Development model of productive forces proportionality: comparative study Costa Rica-El Salvador
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Mario Salomón Montesino Castro, Claudia Carías Barrientos, César Funes Anaya, Meraris López
Orthodox growth theories before the development demand/supply model: El Salvador case
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Iliana Álvarez Escobar, Cristina Saraí Montoya, Waldir Lázaro
Regional overview: health, economic, environmental and care crisis before and during the COVID-19
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José Alejandro Álvarez Ramírez
The reconfiguration of rural spaces in the face of urban expansion
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Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities

Ricardo Ernesto Roque Baldovinos
Francisco Gavidia: thought and archive
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Karla Yesenia Escalante Escalante, Arianna Taddei, Blanca Rosa Vásquez de Cortés
Educational inclusion: learning strategies implemented by the teaching staff at the UCA in 2020-2022
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Amparo Cabrera, Wim Savenije, Pauline Martin
Teachers, schools and communities: strengthening safe spaces towards a framework for school-based prevention
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Nelson Fernando Chacón Serrano, Cristian Armando Fabián Rodríguez, Jacqueline Georgina Escobar Pacheco, Daniela Elizabeth Marroquín Salamanca, Andrea Gabriela Aparicio Silis, Flavio Anthony Menjívar Cartagena
Construction of memories of the Salvadoran armed conflict in young descendants of militaryex-combatants
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Marcela Lisseth Brito de Butter
A new reading of Filosofía de la realidad histórica, by Ignacio Ellacuría, from possibilities and historical reality
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Ferran Caum Aregay, Luis Ponce Benítez
The WebDoc “Desplazados” as a communicative alternative to address the problem of forced displacement in El Salvador
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Mercedes Rodríguez Burgos, Esmeralda Valdivieso Mora, Susana Lucila Cano Hernández, Laura Yaneth Herrera Cortez
Systematic review of the study of the Salvadoran mental health, during the COVID-19 pandemic
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Lucía Isabel Romero Avelar, Leslie Arelí Gómez Calderón, Esmeralda Valdivieso Mora, Mercedes Rodríguez de Burgos, Leonor Guadalupe Escobar Merino, Kevin Fogelbach Figueroa, Gabriela Jimena Cabrera Gonzáles
Childhood adverse experiences: from private life to public intervention
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Marlon E. Carranza, Meraris C. López, Jorge Molina Aguilar, Federico Daniel Alegría Gómez
COVID-19 and structural violence
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Esmeralda Valdivieso Mora, Dulcinea Ruthdey Flores Argueta, Stefany Guadalupe López Rivera, Ricardo Ernesto Mancía Zúniga, Samuel Arturo Carranza Zavala, José Fernando Polío Maravilla
A glance to the social and health characteristics of Salvadoran older adults, at the beginning of the decade of healthy aging
PDF (Spanish)
Karla Ramos
Password 1234 a cybersecurity study in Salvadorian young people of 16 a 24 years old
PDF (Spanish)

Faculty of Engineering and Architecture

Frida Monzón, María Dolores Rovira, Steffany Gabriela Castañeda, Oscar Abraham Carías
Determination of the biodegradability of single-use plastic products made from resins with additives and biobased resins
PDF (Spanish)
Diana Carolina Cruz de Bustillo, Fernando José Gómez Paredes
Statistical process control in presence of autocorrelation: application of time series residual control charts
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César Edgardo Melara Gálvez, Diana Carolina Cruz Aldana de Bustillo, Melissa Alexandra Helena Leiva, Ana del Pilar Letona, Fernando José Gómez Paredes, Andrya Miriam Garay Rodríguez, Luis Eduardo Landaverde Meléndez
Blockchain application: review of case studies
PDF (Spanish)

Vice-Rectory of Social Projection

Jacqueline Natalia Cruz Molina, Natalia Ponce Rubio
Special report one hundred days of state of emergency
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Carla Ixchel Quinteros Loza, Diego Alejandro Manzano Pineda
Report on press freedom and access to public information 2021
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Sajid Herrera, Claudia Ivón Rivera Andrade, Leonel Armando Hernández Sánchez
Historical analysis of violence in El Salvador No. 2, 1972-2023 (CAFOD-UCA Project)
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Miguel Huezo Mixco
Writers, journalists and political activism in the first decades of the 20th century in El Salvador. The Salarrué case
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Laura Regina Andrade Cruz
Data collection for LAPOP 2021
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Faculty of Postgraduate

María Elena Rivera
Los arreglos del bienestar en el interior de los hogares en un régimen familiarista
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Ángel Emilio Barrera Orellana, José Miguel Belismelis Velasco, Orlando Mauricio Montano Alvarado
Application of Lean Six Sigma in an agro-industrial company
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Augusto Rigoberto López Ramírez
La policía como variable dependiente del territorio: acciones policiales para controlar a las pandillas en El Salvador
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Carlos Gustavo Espinoza Caceros, Lisdy Ruth Molina Cadenas, José Daniel Juárez Morales
Student attitudinal and pedagogical factors determining the academic performance of Calculus I students of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of the UCA, prior to and during COVID-19
PDF (Spanish)
Daniel Alberto Nieto Ramos
Socio-environmental conflicts: a political science approach
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Edmundo Neftaly Echegoyén Calderón, Max Antonio Escobar Avelar; Harold Alejandro Monterrosa Hernández
Satisfaction of the basic psychological needs, quality indicators and learning strategies on undergrad students from acredited universities in El Salvador
PDF (Spanish)
Alexandra Beatriz Gálvez Salazar, Ethel Jasmin Rivera Chávez, Kevin David Cabrera Abarca
Graduation work summary : characteristics of primary caregivers in the processes of promoting autonomy of children with Down syndrome from 3 to 6 years of age
PDF (Spanish)
Fátima Peña
Evolution of the relationship between the Salvadoran economic elite and the ARENA party (1979-2021)
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José Antonio Jovel Zelaya, Rafael Antonio Mejía Herrera
Use of material of vegetable origin for the manufacture of fibers in the Salvadoran textile industry
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Larissa Nataly Ventura Peñate
Territorial development and conflicts. Study of the conflict originated in the context of the water system administration of Tacuba, Ahuachapán, El Salvador, during 2004-2020 period
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Luis Antonio Monterrosa Díaz
Philosophy and Christian inspiration. Interpreting the whole intellectual production of Ignacio Ellacuría from “oppressed majorities” as a key concept
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Néstor Iván Moreno Velásquez, Norma Eunice Alfaro Amaya
Conjoining voices and tracing routes: participatory evaluation of teacher training processes
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Rodrigo Javier Recinos Alfaro
Towards a theology of care. An approach from the experience of care in a maternity hospital
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Susana Verónica Araujo Andrade, Sara Carmelina Chávez Alfaro
Risk and protection factors experienced by agents of the National Civil Police in family, work, community and citizen environments
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Yolanda Elizabeth Vaquerano Cativo
The housing cooperative by mutual aid as a development opportunity for women
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Danilo Alberto Miranda Baires
The intellectual sphere in the hegemonic struggle among the main forces during the seventy’s in El Salvador
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