Anarchism warned many years ahead of the crisis of real socialism in 1989 about the misunderstandings of marxism, so it’s worth asking What is the reason for Dussel to ignore such enormous historical evidence? By the way, not only perceptive marxists like Gramsci, Rosa Luxemburg or the postmodern Laclau pointed out the inconsistencies of standard marxism and real socialism, others, such as Malatesta and Kropotkin, also proposed categories to build a new order, the latter, suggests some theoretical considerations that seem to have inspired Dussel in the criticisms he raises to politics as an exercise of domination, to metaphysical economism and individualism of the same line, and regarding his defense of a political claim to justice in accordance with fundamental principles, of co- determination of material (economic) and formal (political) spheres to overcome economism and politicism and, above all, of a new ontologicalpolitical order whose fundamental body must be Life.
Realidad: Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades No. 162, 2023: 51-62.
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