This article explores the results of the workshop on body and yoga, which was accomplished by the young women of the Center for Feminine Social Reinsertion of the Salvadoran Institute for Childhood and Adolescence (ISNA), in San Salvador. In September, 2018, the author did an internship for the students of the research line on Youth, Culture and Powers of the Doctorate Program on Social Sciences, Childhood and Youth of the Universidad de Manizales/CINDE. Here we explore the concept of social body as well as the categories of youthcide, necropolitics, body, performance, and liberty, which are necessary in order to understand some of the conditions that have made the privation of liberty for young persons in Latin America, and to understand how their life conditions are increasingly precarious.
Realidad: Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades No. 159, 2022: 19-35.
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