Towards ecomunism: a mythical response to some problems of Marxism
Cover No. 112
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How to Cite

Capriles, E. (2017). Towards ecomunism: a mythical response to some problems of Marxism. Realidad, Revista De Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades, 112, 271-308.


According with the author, the way to overcome the contradictions of the ruling capitalism -which are shown in the current ecological crisis- is not quitting the totalizing metastories, but in avoiding its influence -particularly in the case of those metastories that justify the destruction of ecosphere, subjugation and exploitation of other individuals and so on-. In that sense, the so-called Ecommunism is an alternative metastory to capitalism and modernity, in order to create a project that would turn human society into a good place, in which everyone could be able to pursue plenitude and harmony.

Realidad: Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades No. 112, 2007: 271-308

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