Paulo Freire, Paul Ricoeur and the narrative identity
Cover No. 123
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Identidad narrativa


In this paper a dialogue between two authors can be found: Paul Ricoeur and Paulo Freire. Its aim is to relate Ricoeur’s concept of narrative identity to the importance given by Freire to the fact of narrate our own history. The author reviews both the communicational dialogic educative model proposed by the Brazilian educator and the concepts of identity, concordance, discordance and narrative identity of the French philosopher. The dialogue established here between both authors makes it possible to study in depth other aspects: narrative identity in Latin America, plurality and alterity, the practical-transformer relation with the Other, resilience and relation between citizenry and narration. These elements make is possible to reflect on how we construct ourselves on narrations and the way we are hence the texts we narrate each other.

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