Influences of business control in the labor market and development in El Salvador
Cover No. 120
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How to Cite

Duke, K. (2017). Influences of business control in the labor market and development in El Salvador. Realidad, Revista De Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades, 120, 293-319.


The Salvadorian labor market situation has been developed with higher real levels of unemployment, under-employment reaching more than forty percent of all economically active population, a growing informal sector, a weakening in the labor laws, and an inexistent culture of negotiation and collective association. This necessarily leads to find the causes of these manifestations in the labor market, specifically the impact it may exert certain forces on the labor market and the agency of workers; more over, be able to know which may be some explanations of this behavior, that is what this paper is seeking: addressing the issue of workers, through an analysis, facing situations of workers in the middle of structures, rules, laws, institutions, not forgetting that a worker is to first of all human beings.

Realidad: Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades No. 120, 2009: 293-319

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