The European side of the marvelous
Cover No. 142
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How to Cite

Chavarría, E. D. (2014). The European side of the marvelous. Realidad, Revista De Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades, 142, 605-635.


This essay explores who are the ideal recipients of the literature work of Cuban writer, Alejo Carpentier. Through the analysis of space configuration in his texts, and its links between the aesthetics principles of magic realism, it is concluded that the main recipients are the intellectuals. The essay is a first attempt to study the discourse of Alejo Carpentier, particularly with regard to the kind of audience he is intended that in the essay is named the reader.

Realidad: Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades No.142, 2014: 605-635
PDF (Spanish)
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