This article presents a quantitative and qualitative analysis through the application of a questionnaire whose purpose is to identify the qualifications required for positions in the Logistics and Transportation sector in the Colombian business sector, identifying the educational level for the different positions reported by the companies and presenting the salary range. Additionally, information is sought on practices in the sector associated with the control of logistics costs and an identification of the technical skills necessary to adopt logistics 4.0. Evidence is obtained that, although the National Qualifications Framework for the Logistics and Transportation sector reports necessary qualifications up to the university undergraduate level, Colombian companies already have staff at the master's level. Additionally, it is reported that the practices for cost control are improvement projects in both processes and the use of technology and optimization.
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Copyright (c) 2024 N. Rincón-García, J. Jarrin, D. Hidalgo, D. Bamford, M. Fontalvo (Autor/a)