This article seeks to expose the current situation of the Precarious Urban Settlements (PUS) in the Metropolitan Area of San Salvador (AMSS), their typological relationships, distribution in the territory and social aspects that have been identified both in the metropolitan research and through research within a representative sample. Among the findings its shown that population densities are greater than the metropolitan average, high concentrations of PUS in densely populated municipalities yields data of approximately 20% of the metropolitan population living in settlements which in turn occupy only 7% of the metropolitan territory; high typological dispersion in which it is evident that in 63.5 % of these settlements only 15.6 % of precarious housing is contained. This characterization allowed the identification of most representative study cases to carry out a qualitative study, which for this case brought together four settlements in the municipality of Ciudad Delgado whose study revealed aspects of livelihoods and habitability that allow comparisons with the consolidated city.
ILIA: Investigaciones Latinoamericanas en Ingeniería y Arquitectura, No. 01, 2024: 62-66.
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