ObservaTlachco, a case study of the use of educational technology for student reflection. EST Tlachco - UCA Collaboration Strategy
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Educative technology


Making clear the technological and educational relationship in an investigation, at a distance and in an experimental format, can be the watershed for other investigative documents to be prepared and applied in the same way, taking into account the importance of contributing to what in theory tends to be understood as the phenomenon of the use of technologies in educational settings where the didactic motive is still vague for many and there is an understanding that the use of it will be automatic. Using the experimental design in an investigative process is transcendental, especially in trial and error, as in the present work, where the cooperation strategy between a University, UCA, and a basic level school shows that the new generations can make use of the technological means in a conscious and critical way, above all because the aspect of literacy is improved, which is why this project was born, being that after several years of research there is a meeting space where, as an observatory, students can develop those skills by publishing their own research.


ILIA: Investigaciones Latinoamericanas en Ingeniería y Arquitectura, No. 01, 2024: 223-226.

PDF (Spanish)


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