Upflow anaerobic reactor in sequential batches to determine methane generation from CEAGESP organic waste


Brazil generates 180,000 t/d of solid waste, of which 51 % is organic matter, therefore, the treatment of solid waste  is an important management point based on the National Solid Waste Policy of the year 2010. The present  work consists of evaluating the rate of methane  generation using organic residues collected from CEAGESP, through an anaerobic ascending flow reactor with leachate recirculated. The reaction time was  of 14 d. and the mass of waste introduced into the reactor was of 750 g. The volume of leachate used was 7.0 L. The temperature was controlled by means of a heating chamber at 30 ± 2 ºC. The biogas rate obtained on average was of 0.52 m3 biogas/kg SV and a methane percentage of 77 %, obtaining a methane rate of 0.36 m3  CH4/kg SV. The elimination of SV was of 82 % on average.


ILIA: Investigaciones Latinoamericanas en Ingeniería y Arquitectura, No. 01, 2024: 181-184.

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