Modeling confined masonry walls: review of methods and application using discrete macroelement
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Confined masonry
Numerical simulation


One of the main challenges assessing masonry structures is numerical simulation. An overview and classification of the current developments and available techniques for nonlinear analysis of confined masonry structures is presented. As an exploratory study, an application of a numerical model using a Discrete Macro Element Method was carried out. It consisted on the calibration of mechanical parameters for representing the capacity curve and damage progression of a confined masonry wall tested under quasi static cyclic load. Then a sensitivity analysis was carried out. It has been found that global behavior is well captured by the model regarding strength and deformation. However, failure mode at confining elements was not consistent with the observed damage. Calibration has been made only for one experimental test; thus, conclusions are only valid for this set of experimental results. It is considered that the Discrete Macro Element Method is suitable not only to reproduce the global behavior of complete buildings, which is its original purpose, but also it may be used to study element behavior with appropriate modifications.

ILIA: Investigaciones Latinoamericanas en Ingeniería y Arquitectura, No. 01, 2024: 108-114.

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