The use of the services financial digital by part of the MYPES
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Inclusión financiera
Servicios financieros digitales
Plataformas digitales
MYPES (Micro y Pequeña Empresa)

How to Cite

Garay Rodríguez, A. M., & González de Minero, S. J. (2020). The use of the services financial digital by part of the MYPES. Realidad Empresarial, 10, 65-74.


The objective of this research is to analyze the use that micro and small businesses make of digital platforms in their business activities and how this has accelerated as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, which may allow El Salvador to increase levels of financial inclusion. This article presents an analysis prior to the pandemic, where it was sought to determine the use of digital platforms in the different types of operations framed in business activities and their respective frequency. The method used was deductive, the research being descriptive, with a sample of 218 surveys of micro and small entrepreneurs. This article presents an analysis prior to the pandemic, which sought to determine the use of the platforms digital in the different types of operations framed in business activities and their respective frequency. The method used was deductive, the descriptive research, with a sample of 218 surveys of micro and small entrepreneurs.

Realidad Empresarial No. 10, 2020: 65-74


PDF (Spanish)

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