Territorial economic development and artificial intelligence (AI)





Territorial Economic Development (TED), Territory, Artificial intelligence


In recent decades, a number of Territorial Economic Development (TED) initiatives have emerged in Latin America, driven by the approaches of supranational institutions and authors who consider TED as a process of multidimensional growth and structural change in a territory. This has established an epistemological framework for endogenous and systemic territorial development, which currently provides a valuable tool for interpreting reality. However, the future poses new challenges for TED. In this article, in the form of an essay, a literature review will be carried out with the aim of proposing a reflection on the importance and relevance of algorithms and Artificial Intelligence Systems in the epistemological construction of current Territorial Economic Development. 

ECA Estudios Centroamericanos, Vol. 78, No. 773, 2023: 99-114.


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How to Cite

Villatoro Hernández, F. (2023). Territorial economic development and artificial intelligence (AI). ECA: Estudios Centroamericanos, 78(773), 99–114. https://doi.org/10.51378/eca.v78i773.7940


