The issue related to the lack of evaluative culture in El Salvador merits special attention, as the implementation of evaluative procedures for formative processes is scarce and lacks follow-up that systematizes and identifies contributions for teachers, encompassing the dimensions of planning, management, and implementation of said processes. In order to contribute to the improvement of the evaluative culture in the Salvadoran education system, this article presents the findings of the participatory evaluation of the Training in School Management process carried out by the Ministry of Education between the years 2017-2019. In light of this, the following questions were raised: How was the planning and management of the School Management training process articulated for its implementation in accordance with the framework of policy and training plans? And what is the assessment of school administrators regarding the planning and implementation of the training? To address these questions, active participation of the stakeholders involved was required, including government agencies, implementing institutions, facilitators, and teacher-administrators participating in the training. A mixed-method approach was used, with a concurrent nested design, where the qualitative model predo-minated. Among the main findings, it was found that this training was initiated without explicit articulation with the National Policy for Teacher Professional Development or the National Plan for In-Service Teacher Training. Additionally, weak articulation between planning and management was identified, which hindered the guarantee of adequate implementation that responds to the needs and contexts of teacher-administrators. However, the assessment of the participants in the training process is that it contributed to their professionalization.
ECA Estudios Centroamericanos, Vol. 77, No. 771, 2022: 81-104.
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