Didactic competencies for teaching language to deaf students
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Teacher training
Teacher competencies
Deaf education
Foreign language


Learning a foreign language is often beneficial for deaf people. Therefore, language teaching professionals need to be trained to teach the hearing impaired. A foreign language allows the acquisition of a written language for activities that cannot be carried out with sign language alone. However, are the writing skills the only thing they need? The study aimed to identify the linguistic needs of deaf students to detail the didactic competencies that teachers need to develop. The results indicate that to facilitate foreign languages learning for deaf students the teachers must develop the competencies that focus on teaching reading, writing, grammar, and pronunciation, in addition to the use of technological tools and Salvadoran Sign Language to implement strategies in favor of inclusion in the classroom.

ECA Estudios Centroamericanos, Vol. 77, No. 771, 2022: 31-47.

PDF (Spanish)
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