Based on the Scripture readings proclaimed during the Eucharistic celebration on the occasion of the 32nd anniversary of the UCA martyrs, the homily underscores how the word of God maintains its relevance today as a word that is alive and that helps discern between good and evil, and that is efficacious when it is listened and lived from historical realities. This word awakens the desire to serve God’s project for humanity, that may end in martyrdom, as a sign of a love manifested in the fidelity of the UCA martyrs to this project. Some reflections are offered contrasting true love that motivates offering one’s love for the wellness of the people, and a fake love of others that prefers lies y hiding the truth. The martyrs led their lives and their acts guided by the following principles: truth, compassion, mercy, justice, the defense of the poor, freedom and human dignity; solidarity and the building of a country where all can call themselves brothers and sisters and live as such.
ECA Estudios Centroamericanos, Vol. 76, No. 767, 2021: 553-558.
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