Demands and expectations of young residents in impoverished colonies of Central America
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Central America
Political culture


This article analyzes demands and expectations of young residents of impoverished neighborhoods in Central American capital cities. Four main subject areas are explored: the representation of the local and national
environment, demands and desires for the future, the means by which young people expect to achieve (or not achieve) said demands, and sociodemographic factors. The selected neighborhoods were El Limón in Guatemala City, Popotlán in San Salvador, Nueva Capital in Tegucigalpa, Jorge Dimitrov in Managua, and La Carpio in San José. A sample of 300 respondents were selected using sampling quotas. One of the primary findings of the study is that 37.7% of participants neither study nor work and that only 15% have access to social security. Although inequality was not identified as being among the most pressing problems, when asked about the distribution of wealth in their respective countries, 73.6% of participants considered said distribution to be “very unfair” or “unfair”. This recognition of inequality coexists with a deeply rooted conservatism and a largely unquestioned belief in the legitimacy of destiny and parental authority. The electoral cycle that began in Honduras in 2017 and concluded in Guatemala in 2019 is far from offering any kind of significant or profound  response. This electoral cycle has deepened the institutional void, and in many cases immigration has become more of an obligation than a choice.

ECA Estudios Centroamericanos, Vol. 75, No. 761, 2020: 101-121.

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