Definition of the publication
Investigaciones UCA is a periodical research report which makes available to Salvadoran society and the world the internal production of José Simeón Cañas Central American University in the field of science and technology.
It is published under editorial identification: Publicaciones Académicas UCA.
Mission of Investigaciones UCA
To make known the scientific and technological production of the UCA according to the quality standards of scientific publications, which increase the visibility and impact of UCA research at the national and regional level.
Vision of Investigaciones UCA
To be a scientific publication recognized nationally and regionally for the quality of the research it publishes and for its accessible format to briefly publicize the scientific and technological production of UCA.
Target audiences
This publication is aimed at university students, national and foreign researchers and anyone interested in knowing and deepening the research reported here. It is also addressed to decision-makers in the public and private spheres, the diplomatic corps, aid workers, the country's productive sectors and various civil society bodies.
It aims to be a public showcase of the university's research activity, with special interest in promoting knowledge transfer and technological transfer, where the type of research carried out and the topics addressed are evidenced.
- Violence and security.
- Environmental sustainability.
- Sustainable basic service systems.
- Economic and social development alternatives.
- Poverty and social exclusion.
- Childhood and youth.
- Institutionality, democracy and citizen participation.
- Technological development and innovation.
- Productive and business development.
- Central American integration.
- Identity and history.
The summaries are sorted into sections by Faculty and for the case of administrative and social projection units, the corresponding sections are also generated. These administrative sections are the only ones allowed in the publication.